Thursday, April 2, 2009



Tags: promethazine

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two female assistants, aged 22 and 20. When police checked the premises, they found 2,932 bottles of promethazine, 8,990 dihydrocodeine and suncodin tablets, and empty bottles of different sizes. The active ingredients for making cough syrup were [size=24]--->>> Bu...

Author: slabrydah83
Keywords: CIMG0036
Added: March 24, 2009

withdrawal and addiction. _ Vicodin, a narcotic analgesic and cough suppressant. _ Ambien, a short term sleep-aid. _ promethazine with codeine, an antihistamine and sedative. _ clonazepam, an anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant. _ chloral hydrate, a hypnotic After a week of various cocktails of Hydrocodone, Chlorpheniramine, Codeine, Promethazine, Guaifenesin, and Methylprednisolone, I think I'm almost feeling better. Sorry for the lack of updates, I was quite sick. Almost better, though. No related posts. No related posts.

The Punisher and the “Coast Guard Cocktail�

scene from Punisher: Force of Nature (By Swierczynski and Lacombe) The “Coast Guard Cocktail” is a sea-sickness remedy of legendary fame. Like many legends, it’s not entirely clear how much is truth, and how much is myth. I’ve seen many references to the cocktail, but I’...

Read the full post from Polite Dissent

via Blogdigger blog search for promethazine.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Tags: olanzapine

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I am no longer on olanzapine, I was eating far too much and gaining too much weight. I mentioned this to my psych and he changed me to quetiapine, which is less weight gaining, apparently. However, I am suffering from a severe hangover effect and daytime sleepiness because of it and have no idea how I am meant to function on it given that I can barely stay awake. I see him tomorrow so can mention it then. Rang the crisis team as arranged last night and they had no clue of Friday's events mea Eli Lilly has signed up another drug development partner in India, having inked a cardiovascular research pact with Zydus Cadila.Under the terms of the six-year deal, Zydus will be responsible for the drug discovery and development process up to Phase II and Lilly will have an option to license any ...

Lilly Settles for $1.42 Billion

  Eli Lilly agreed to pay $1.42 Billion to settle aprobe into alleged improper marketing of the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa[olanzapine]. Zyprexa shichis approved to treat schizophrenia and bipolar patients, has been Lilly's top-selling drug earning more than $37 billion in sales since 1996....

Read the full post from PSOTBLOG

via Blogdigger blog search for olanzapine.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Calcium carbonate

calcium carbonate

Tags: calcium carbonate

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calcium carbonate

Author: ChopinJunkie
Keywords: time-lapse Yellowstone geothermal hot spring computer simulation
Added: March 24, 2009

Also, she is on xeloda now and the doctors keep telling her that people live for years and years on them. I take this as a good sign. Ingredients Mustard Greens Chicken Thighs Rice Place 6-10 chicken thighs in a crock pot. Cook on low for approx. 6 hours. Once cooled, remove meat from thighs. This thigh meat may be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Freeze if storing for longer. Cook the Mustard Greens according to packa ...

Saving my Europe

Green politics are hip and cute but it's wrong! You are doing it wrong guys! The solution to the energy crisis, the food crisis, the economic crisis and the environmental crisis is a 4 letter word: "HEMP!" We have plenty of deserts in the world of which we only need to cultivate one pe...

Read the full post from tricks, tips, tutorials, pictures and words

via Blogdigger blog search for calcium carbonate.


Saturday, March 28, 2009



Tags: calcitriol

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Author: luiscezarodrigues
Keywords: calcitriol vitamina sintesis organica VDR receptor nuclear
Added: October 22, 2008

Originally published at SEO-блог где палят темы. Please leave any comments there. Доделал свой скрипт для вытягивания названий таблеток из базы Стимула и Главмеда, теперь он вынимает все вариации названий - и брендовые и дженериковые, результаты под катом. С учётом дженериков, у Главмеда всего около ...

Author: orissamedical
Keywords: Calyx (kidney) David Kidney Acute renal failure Declan Horseshoe Artificial Dialysis Nephron Polycystic Chronic Nephrotoxicity Common bean Renal function transplantation
Added: January 30, 2009

Ad - G-Floor high quality vinyl flooring beautifies all concrete floors. Chemotherapy, also called chemo, is the common term for medicines used to treat Cancer .The treatment destroys cancer cells, keeps them from growing and spreading, shrinks the size of a tumor or relieves cancer symptoms. Chemotherapy has given hope to numerous cancer patients. However, a recent study by The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) shows that chemotherapy can often do more harm than good. This is the main reason why Doctors are now being advised to Ad - G-Floor high quality vinyl flooring beautifies all concrete floors. Psoriasis is a skin condition that can bring not just physical, but emotional and social challenges for sufferers. News is just in of new topical treatments that are about to become available in the USA for psoriasis. Of the new options, one is a calcitriol ointment and one is a Hydrogel Patch, but this has only limited availability. What is really exciting is the calcitriol option that was presented by the vice chairman of dermatology at the University of California at a recent Skin Disease Edu


Friday, March 27, 2009



Tags: crotamiton

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Ad - You may be able to get a power chair or scooter at little to no cost. Es gibt mehrere Arten von Parasiten, die den Menschen befallen können. Einige dieser Schädlinge übertragen Krankheitserreger, die teilweise tödliche Krankheiten (Parasitosen) verursachen können. Zu den Parasiten zählen Flöhe, Läuse und Milben. Diese Organismen leben auf der Hautoberfläche und können bereits durch direkten Kontakt Hautreizungen hervorrufen. Sie schädigen ihren Wirt durch Stiche oder Bisse, sowie giftige Ausscheidungen. Hier ein kurzer Überblick: Die Krätze (Scabies) Eine we Im Kampf gegen die Parasiten des Menschen wie Läuse und Milben kommen unterschiedliche Präparate zum Einsatz. Eine Bekämpfung dieser Schädlinge ist nötig, da sie Krankheitserreger auf den Menschen übertragen können. Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von Parasiten Ziel einer jeden Behandlung von Parasiten ist immer das vollständige Abtöten der Schädlinge sowie die Vernichtung ihrer Gelege. Nur so lässt sich eine Wiederausbreitung wirksam vermeiden. Meist werden Muskel- und Nervengifte eingesetzt, um


Thursday, March 26, 2009



Tags: naproxen

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Still in the old studio. Worked my way through almost all of the closet now, and I'm running out of room in the basement. I do have a considerable ebay/craigslist pile to get rid of, and the trash pile is becoming... large-ish. I'll have to get pictures at some point; it's kind of unreal, especially ... The FDA has approved revisions to the safety labeling for lansoprazole and naproxen, abacavir sulfate-lamivudine, and isoflurane volatile liquid. (CME) Medscape Medical News Laurie Barclay,Yael Waknine Neck and shoulder pain can be summed up when the person is suffering from constant or chronic pain in the neck and shoulders. Most of the times when you begin experiencing back pain it is going to move up towards your shoulder because they are attached to each other so this makes it impossible to have one and not experience some discomfort in the other.Of course it is not uncommon for someone to experience one or the other. It depends on how bad your pain is and how long it has gone untreated. M


Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Tags: levaquin

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Good idear chittered from his benefit whole wide the thinking carried with adult form the truth ida wandered very night there there realized she and sank baycol recall minnesota particular items would bring flat feet for summoning old woman formless mass evil into life remained but appreciate this r ... Mar.10, 2009 in UncategorizedAdvertisementsI am currently taking this antibiotic and am wondering what side effects are common. I am dizzy and vomiting. Don't know if that is normal or not or if I should consult my doctor. levaquin side effectsTags: antibiotic, levaquin Question: I took Levaquin for the flu symptoms this winter. I ended up with (for 2 months so far) severe pain in my shoulders and upper arms, and today my knees. At the beginning I was unable to lift my arms up at all. The pain at night is terrible and makes sleep difficult. I am taking 3 ibuprofin 3 times a day to make it bareable. I can move more that at the beginning, but there is still pain on certain movements, aching, tingling-constant. How long does this side effect continue and when do